“Mo opponent se lapress”. A statement from Pravind Jugnauth which has been widely discussed over the past week. According to Jean Claude de l'Estrac, “the Prime Minister is right on one point. But he is more wrong. » The former editor-in-chief suggests that it is possible that “certain journalists have embarked on real anti-Jugnauth campaigns”.

Some of them, according to him, “even go so far as to use the denigrating language of opponents to describe the Prime Minister, which is unacceptable from an ethical point of view for a newspaper that claims to be independent”. He maintains, however, that the Prime Minister is wrong to “see in these excesses a conspiracy by the press as a whole. All prime ministers have suffered from the same syndrome. They talk about the press as a monolithic block. It must also be said that his government has not stopped providing ammunition to those who are normally critical of the action of a government so unrepresentative of national opinion. A piece of advice: “(…) even when weakened, it is futile to cross swords with journalists. It’s a lost cause,” he said.

Yvan Martial prefers, for his part, to approach this statement from the head of government with sarcasm. “He gave a great gift to the Mauritian press, I am delighted that he gives importance to the press. Pravind Jugnauth is a man called upon to manage a budget of 500 billion, and he is the same man who claims to be afraid of three newspapers,” he quips.

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