“We are going to build a new track in Rodrigues. We have already received the funding. There are only a few technical works left to be carried out before launching a call for tenders,” announced Pravind Jugnauth this Wednesday, June 5. The Prime Minister (PM) spoke at the inauguration of a Market Fair in Bel-Air Rivière-Sèche this afternoon.

Another announcement made by Pravind Jugnauth: the upcoming construction of the M4 motorway. “It will leave Forbach, pass through Flacq, Bel-Air, Grand Bel-Air, and go to the airport. The feasibility study is completed and the land acquisition is made. I can't say anything like that. Parski Friday ena Bidze. We gote. Where can you find it? Mo serye. Seki mo dir, mo fer,” the PM said.

Pravind Jugnauth, during his speech, once again listed the projects carried out by his government to date. “Everything we do is in the interest of all, even to improve the quality of life of each citizen. In our next mandate, a new cardiac center will see the light of day, among other things. My words are sacred. Furthermore, it is a commitment,” underlined the head of government.

Speaking about the Market Fair in Bel-Air-Rivière-Sèche, Pravind Jugnauth affirms that the first phase of this project, costing more than Rs 153 million, began with Covid-19. This fair has nearly 450 stalls and 60 food courts,” said the PM.

Mukul Doollah / Preity Ramessur-Bhoyroo

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