Cim Finance, through its Noubiznes program, guides SMEs during quarterly meet-ups. During the fourth session which recently took place, financial obligations were discussed in particular. The emphasis was placed on understanding payments and tax optimization.

The Noubiznes program, created by Cim Finance with the support of Linear Arc Solutions to support small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), recently held its fourth Meet-up. Every three months, an event brings them together around a specific theme.

In the fourth session, entrepreneurs received advice on their financial obligations. This was an opportunity to help them understand why they pay what they pay.

Ambrish Maharahaje, interim Group Chief Executive Officer of Cim Finance, recalled the objective of Noubiznes and the importance for the economy of giving business ideas a chance. The SME sector, he said, is considered one of the pillars of the economy. “Through the program, we want to help entrepreneurs progress in a constantly evolving environment, thanks to financial support, of course, but also through the tools necessary for sustainable growth which are made available to them,” he said. -he declares.

Interested SMEs are invited to register to participate. Meet-ups, which constitute one of the three components of Noubiznes, are also networking opportunities, an essential aspect for increasing the visibility of SMEs and exposing them to development opportunities.

One of the questions that continued to be asked during the fourth session concerned the income tax return. Valéry Modeste-Jacob, accountant and entrepreneur, made it clear that many SMEs worry about having too many taxes to pay and sometimes lack information. This can compromise good tax optimization for their companies if they have not made their declarations correctly.

Salary compensation is also one of the concerns of microenterprise leaders at the start of the year. “However, these fears demonstrate the desire of these entrepreneurs to do things well. I am happy that Cim Finance offers a platform to people who need healthy and useful support,” added Valéry Modeste-Jacob.

Same observation for Charlène Cunden-Sholay, another accountant who notes with great enthusiasm the interest of entrepreneurs in these questions. “Many of the participants we met have independent accountants to look after their financial management, but they find it important to be aware of the laws and have a notion of basic accounting principles,” she said. supported.

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