Tragedy still hits the country, tearing families apart. Brothers Teeshal and Doorgesh Caunhye, as well as the couple Damien Deruisseau and Agnes Descombes, and Jean Alex Rabot were swept away by stormy seas on Sunday April 14. A week later, Teeshal Caunhye, Damien Deruisseau and Agnes Descombes remain nowhere to be found.

Disappearance of brothers Teeshal and Doorgesh: the incomplete mourning of the Caunhye

They no longer have the courage to move forward. In Lallmatie, at the Caunhye family's home, relatives have been flocking since Sunday. The victims' parents and brother are devastated. “They were three brothers. Teeshal and Doorgesh (also called Koushil) were very close to their brother,” confides a cousin who tries, with other relatives, to comfort them.

” We grew up together. I remember that, during confinement, we shared many activities. We live in the same courtyard, we got up very early to go running and we were careful not to get caught by a police patrol,” says the young man.

The youngest brother loved playing football. “Teeshal was a very good player and admired Cristiano Ronaldo. He supported Real Madrid,” he told us. As for Doorgesh, who worked in a hotel, he liked things to be tidy. “He was always behind his brother and watching over him,” said the cousin.

On Sunday, despite the heavy swell warning in force, Doorgesh, his younger brother and relatives decided to go to Sancho islet for a fishing trip. However, during this sea trip, the two brothers found themselves in great difficulty. A wave rolled in, taking them by surprise. They were swept underwater.

Coast guard elements in Souillac were alerted. They were able to recover Doorgesh, who was inert. His death was pronounced. But the divers did not find Teeshal. Faced with rough seas, the police helicopter had to be called upon to fly over the area where this tragedy took place.

“Teeshal’s parents have been visiting the place since it happened. It's horrible for the family. Doorgesh's funeral took place, while his brother is still wanted at sea…” A week after this tragedy, the search continues.

The sea carries two young lovers to Savinia Beach

Damien Deruisseau, his girlfriend Agnes Descombes, both aged 26, and friends had wanted to go camping at Savinia Beach, near Le Souffleur, in the south of the island, on Sunday April 14. However, in the morning, the young couple, from Quatre-Bornes and Beau-Bassin, were surprised by a violent wave.

A friend explains that Damien Deruisseau and Agnes Descombes had gone for a walk on the beach. As he was walking towards where they were, he saw the young man calling for help. He rushed to the spot.

Damien Deruisseau told him that Agnes had been swept away by the swell. Despite the strong swells, they threw themselves into the water to help him, but a wave swept away Damien Deruisseau. His friend said he tried to catch him, but it was already too late.
Since that day, the anguish has been at its height for the young people's loved ones. The search, which began on Sunday, continues, without result so far. The sea is rough, making searches difficult for divers.

The unexpected departure of Jean Alex Rabot from Belle-Mare

Jean Alex Rabot, aged 71, living in Providence, Quartier-Militaire, wanted to spend some time with his family. This is how he asked everyone dear to him to go to Belle-Mare beach on Sunday April 14.

“My father wanted everyone to come to the sea. He told the children to get ready: ‘Come, we’re going to the sea,’” remembers his son Jean Marie. “There were so many people present that we had to request the services of three vans to transport us,” he adds.

No one could have imagined that misfortune would strike. “He wanted to have his family near him,” says Jean Marie. Especially since these last few months have been trying for the septuagenarian. “Five months ago, my mother fell, she died shortly after. » A mourning which had deeply affected his father.

Then, in February of this year, Jean Alex Rabot encountered health problems. “He had a stroke and was hit on the left side. He couldn't walk properly. At the sea, he wanted to stretch his legs, do a little exercise. He went for a little walk. He was in the water when he felt unwell,” says his son.

By the time we got him out of the water and brought him back, it was already too late. “He died in the ambulance,” said Jean Marie. The autopsy revealed that he had drowned.

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