After initiating an investigation into the conditions of recruitment of part-time lecturers, the management of the University of Mauritius (UoM) has opened an investigation into the recruitment of an Associate Professor. Because concerns were raised to this effect during a board meeting. Council members expressed concern that the recommendations of the former Independent Commission Against Corruption (Icac) were not followed in this process.

According to our information, ICAC had recommended that all applications for promotions and recruitment be submitted online, in order to guarantee traceability. However, the UoM management noted that applications for the post of Associate Professor were submitted in paper form.

The person promoted to this position is not implicated. But questions arise about the responsibility of those who authorized this process in contradiction with the ICAC recommendations.
Another source within the UoM revealed that an exemption request was made to allow candidates to submit their applications in hard copy during a recent recruitment exercise for General Field Workers positions. However, this request was rejected. This source then wonders why this standard has not been strictly applied when it comes to the position of Associate Professor.

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