An unusual incident took place in a store in Port Louis. An individual who posed as a customer, using a payment method through Juice, managed to defraud a merchant by making a transaction using an incorrect telephone number.

On Wednesday February 21, 2024, a 55-year-old man residing in Port Louis reported a case of ICTA violation to the Line Barracks police. The latter owns a store, located on rue Jemmapes in Port Louis, and offers customers the possibility of paying for their purchases via a mobile payment system, in this case Juice, and this, on a telephone number that he made available to its customers.

According to his account, at 10:40 a.m. that day, an unknown individual came to his store and purchased several items worth a total of Rs 7,000. The individual proceeded to pay using the phone number, by Juice, with the reference “fmxtw22x”, then left the scene. Later that day, when he checked his transactions for the day, he found that the payment made with the reference “fmxtw22x” had not been credited to his account. Upon reviewing his messages on his phone, he realized that he had received payment from a fake phone number, when he should have received a message from the Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB).

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