Le Défi Quotidien went to meet Julie, a 53-year-old widow who lives in a modest house located on rue L'Engrais, in Roche-Bois. The latter says she had to go to the local shelter center around 7:15 a.m. Thursday morning because her life, as well as that of her children, was in danger. His home was swallowed up by the waves. Just like her, a good number of people who went to the Roche-Bois shelter center on Thursday morning.

“I have lost everything since Cyclone Belal hit in January. I no longer have a place to sleep. I have nothing left. Manze mem pena! » laments the mother of five children. Julie struggles to recount the ordeal she says she has endured for decades. She says she has been going to shelter centers during each cyclone for a good thirty years. “I, like the other victims of Roche-Bois, can't take it anymore. We are going through a real ordeal. Help us,” she says.

Julie, who says she works various odd jobs, says she is ready to do her best to save in order to honor the payment of the deposit allowing her to benefit from social housing. “I have been seeking refuge in centers since the 1980s. And nothing has changed since then. I am anxious at the news of a cyclone. Mo per parski mo pa kone akot mo pou al kasiet pou sov mo lavi ek lavi mo bann zanfan,” explains Julie. The latter also specifies that two of her five children are minors. They are, according to our speaker, 16 years old and 13 years old respectively.

The fifty-year-old lives in a shack that she rents for Rs 2,500. However, she confides that she no longer has the financial means to honor the rent. “Me mores dan lakaz la kanmem…ziska propriyeter met mwa deor,” she said.

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