Aruna Gangoosingh refutes the accusation that she caused harm to the people of Mauritius. The one who caused the buzz on social networks said she took responsibility for her comments in a video she posted on her Facebook page. This 45-year-old resident of Rivière-des-Créoles is answering, before the intermediate court, for violation of the Information and Communication Technologies Act.

Two statements of Aruna Gangoosingh, dated April 21, 2021 and June 23, 2021, were produced before the court during the trial.

During this exercise, the police confronted him with a video lasting twenty-eight minutes and eleven seconds which contained insulting and offensive remarks. In her reply, Aruna Gangoosingh told investigators that she fully takes responsibility for her comments. She adds that she didn't force anyone to watch her videos. “I do not apologize for expressing myself in my language…” she said.

The laptop of the forty-year-old had been examined as part of this case. An officer from the police IT Unit produced reports following an examination of the device. Recordings were reproduced on CD and given to investigators from the Cybercrime Unit. The trial, presided over by magistrate Varsha Biefun, will continue on June 26, 2024 with the hearing of other witnesses.

Aruna Gangoosingh pleads not guilty before the intermediate court. She allegedly posted a degrading video on her Facebook account with disrespectful and insulting remarks causing harm to the Mauritian population, on April 10, 2021. She retained the services of Me Narwin Ramdass.

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