• The sixty-year-old would not have digested their separation

Sydney André, 67, is accused of crime of passion, according to investigators from the Major Crime Investigation Team (MCIT). The sixty-year-old, arrested Tuesday for the murder of Collina Virginie L'Eveillé, aged 31, at Résidence Vallijee, would have had a bad time with their separation which occurred several months earlier. Currently hospitalized after being beaten by passers-by, the suspect has not yet provided his version of the facts.

He will be charged with murder upon his release from Dr AG Jeetoo Hospital. According to police information, the victim and the suspect knew each other and had lived together before separating. Virginie, for her part, had met another man living at Résidence Vallijee and had started her life again. Investigators believe that this breakup was the cause of the tragedy.

They collected the testimony of a resident of the region, heard at the Line Barracks police station. She explained that she saw the suspect in the neighborhood garden around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. He allegedly pulled out a sharp weapon from his clothes and attacked the victim several times without giving him time to defend himself. Virginie L’Eveillé collapsed.

When the Line Barracks and Bain-des-Dames police intervened, the young woman was on the ground, bleeding profusely. The Samu, alerted, took time to arrive, so the police transported the victim to Dr AG Jeetoo hospital. Unfortunately, when they arrived, the doctor on duty found that she had already died.

The suspect was attacked by passers-by before being apprehended by police. The autopsy carried out on the victim in the evening revealed that this mother had died from blows to the heart and liver.

Virginie's loved ones are devastated by this sudden loss. “My son and Virginie had been living together for some time. But my son was recently admitted to Brown Sequard Hospital. Virginie visited him. Tuesday, she didn't go. I met her near the garden. We talked for a moment. When I returned home to Résidence Vallijee, I did not expect such news,” explains Eliette, the mother of the victim’s new companion. “I was informed that she had been attacked. I know this Sydney guy, but I never thought he could do such a thing. How do I break this news to my son who is unaware? » she laments. The funeral of Collina Virginie L'Eveillé took place Wednesday afternoon in Bambous, at the home of her mother Jocelyne.

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