Air Mauritius is going through a period of turbulence. The latest event dates back to Tuesday. The Chief Commercial Officer, Laurent Recoura, was suspended from his duties after writing a letter of denunciation concerning the “actions” of the Chief Executive Officer, Charles Cartier. For the spokesperson, Atma Bumma, it is those who see their positions threatened who are trying to create disruption.

The suspension of Laurent Recoura, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of Air Mauritius, on Tuesday, calls into question the situation which has prevailed within the airline for several weeks. And particularly since Charles Cartier took office as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). This crisis comes in an already tense context for Air Mauritius.

Bissoon Mungroo, former member of the Board, is of the opinion that Air Mauritius has become “a propaganda box”. “No one wants to go up to MK,” he says. According to him, “occult forces” operate within the company. “MK owes his survival to his doses of 'Panadol'. 'Ena ki pe given pwazon to bann kad towards the port. “Enn strategy itilize depi longontan sa,” he laments.

According to him, “nothing is done to retain professionals”. He cites the name of André Viljoen, CEO of Air Mauritius from December 8, 2010 to August 21, 2015. Laurent Recoura joined Air Mauritius in 2022. This aviation professional was Officer-in-Charge of Air Mauritius after the suspension of former CEO Krešimir Kučko, until the appointment of Charles Cartier in March this year.

What are the reasons for the suspension of Laurent Recoura? He was apparently summoned by Charles Cartier on Saturday to his office. It is reported, in Le Défi Quotidien of Wednesday May 22, that Charles Cartier would have exerted “strong pressure for him to resign as CCO”. Laurent Recoura would then have sent correspondence to the members of the Board and to the Prime Minister's Office. According to the letter, Laurent Recoura was the victim of intimidation and violence at work. He asked the Board to investigate and take action. Laurent Recoura is also accused of having “shared a confidential document (sensitive information) with a third person”.

The suspension of the CCO is not the only controversy in which Air Mauritius has found itself recently. Charles Cartier's trip to South Africa, with his family, in Business class was the subject of controversy.

Repetitive scenarios

According to a source operating in the field of aviation: “You don't have the right person in the right place”. “We got what we deserve. I imagine that the employees are in the dark, because everything has been upside down at Air Mauritius for several weeks. The one who allowed the aviation company to make profits, notably Laurent Recoura, was suspended from his functions. The difference is that between 2021 and March 2024, Air Mauritius fell under Airport Holdings Ltd (AHL). Things were working normally. It seems that we are witnessing repetitive scenarios of the past.

In other words, strong minds would be doing what they want. Individuals, operating in the shadows, are destroying the work accomplished by professionals,” deplores this source.
Jack Bizlall, the technical advisor of the Air Mauritius inter-union, believes that there are “negotiations” within the company. “Individuals, assuming positions of responsibility and loyal to Air Mauritius, knowing that their contracts are coming to an end, are starting to make rain and shine. This is how they end up being suspended from their duties,” he says.

Are we to understand that there are ejection seats at MK? “I can’t say they are ejection seats. The problem is not the seats, but the functions and circumstances. Sometimes it's political. We do not know the reasons for the departures,” points out Megh Pillay, the former CEO and Managing Director of Air Mauritius. Le Défi Quotidien also asked Somas Appavou, CEO of Air Mauritius from June 20, 2017 to March 3, 2020, for a telephone statement. But the latter made us understand that he was busy.

The silence of Laurent Recoura

The suspended Chief Commercial Officer, Laurent Recoura, was asked for a telephone statement on Wednesday afternoon. “I will not make any statement at this time,” he said.

Megh Pillay, former CEO and MD of Air Mauritius: “A respectable airline is managed from the inside and not from the outside”

“MK's performance will remain very inconsistent and significantly below industry standards as long as it does not operate within a sound governance structure. And it depends on the will of political power. Its sole shareholder is Airport Holdings Limited which is itself entirely controlled by the State. This is not to say that MK should be run as a department of a ministry by civil servants and proxies acting as political agents in its governance structure. In fact, in several countries where the State controls the capital of its flag carrier airline, its management is very successful as long as it is entrusted to independent and recognized professionals at the level of its Board and general management. In compliance with the national policy decided by the government, they are all required to act completely independently in the interest of the company to which they owe allegiance and to which they fully assume fiduciary responsibility. They are beholden to the company first and not to the politicians who appointed them. This is how a respectable airline manages itself from the inside, and not from the outside, to successfully complete its missions and thus achieve the vision of political power. »

AMCCA: “The new CEO’s Karcher moves hurt some…”

“When we look at what is happening at MK, we see that there has been poor management,” said an employee of the Air Mauritius Cabin Crew Association (AMCCA). “We are told that the new CEO, Charles Cartier, has come to set things right. There has been a big improvement. Charles Cartier did everything to return everything to normal. He restored industrial relations. Before him, there was Ken Arian, Anba Manikham, Krešimir Kučko and Laurent Recoura. But nothing has been done,” they say.

“We are neither for nor against Charles Cartier. But he applied certain measures in favor of staff. Putting things in order takes time. And now the cleaning begins. It seems that Karcher's blows from the CEO are hurting some people. As a result, they use diversions which are the cause of turbulence,” we add. According to the AMCCA, the flight crew “welcomes the arrival of Charles Cartier”.

Atma Bumma, spokesperson for Air Mauritius: “Those who have ignored management standards feel threatened”

The company spokesperson was asked to clarify the situation following the suspension of Laurent Recoura. Atma Bumma categorically refutes allegations of turmoil within the airline.

According to him, every time a decision is taken by management, rumors of turbulence emerge. “Upon his arrival, Charles Cartier established basic principles for his management, notably serenity among employees. Those who have ignored management standards feel threatened and will resort to all sorts of subterfuges to create and make people believe in turbulence. But things are going badly for them,” said Atma Bumma.

He emphasizes that these accusations are only “attempts at destabilization” by individuals concerned about their professional future. He insists “MK’s leadership remains strong”.

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