QuestionsFood-RestaurantsDo restaurants such as Coconut cafe, Buddha bar allow non residents to have a spot of lunch?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Hey all, wondering if you can help
We are staying in Grand Gaube, but would love to visit the following beaches
Trou Aux Biches
Bella Mare Beach
Flic En Flac

I really want to know if we can visit restaurants near by such as Coconut cafe, Buddha Bar in Flic en Flac allow non residents to have a spot of lunch? or grab a take away and bring back to the beach.....

I understand that there are food vans available but its also nice to have a choice

Many thanks.

Amanda Rose answered 7 months ago

Yes you can, we are in grand gaube too 😊

Bakker Harry answered 7 months ago

Ofcours they allow non residents 🤷‍♂️

Gevine answered 7 months ago

where in grand gaube you staying ?

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