QuestionsFood-RestaurantsEating out at local restaurants or street vendors can cause gastro and food poisoning?
Anonymous asked 8 months ago

Hi everyone! We are heading to Mauritius next year and have been told that eating out at local restaurants or street vendors can cause gastro and food poisoning (especially for the kids) and that the local water is not safe to drink.

Is this information correct? I'm just trying to decide if we pay for meals at the resort or not. Thank you!

Sarah Lake answered 8 months ago

Depends where you eat, you need to be careful

Ashvin Jeebun answered 8 months ago

This is not correct. You can on the street
Hotel will over charge you.

I can list some place for you to eat which does not overcharge you because you are a tourist.

Daniel Ho answered 8 months ago

It’s not a big issue. Just keep in mind there’s unhygenic food in every country.

If it looks too dirty, or the food handler is handling money as well as food, avoid it

A good thing to do is to buy the local yogurt from the supermarket and drink it daily.

The lactobacillus will help take care of any bad germs your gut encounters

Jackie-lee Rowland answered 8 months ago

Been living here for over 2 years. We eat at restaurants and from street vendors. Noone in my family has suffered from gastro. Just use common sense. Don’t eat something if its been standing in the sun for hours. You’ll love Mauritius.

Andrew Phyn answered 8 months ago

I’ve never had issues in the years I’ve been travelling there to see my wife’s family. Food poisoning is an can be an issue anywhere. I recently had bad food poisoning in the UK that almost out me in hospital. Just approach it the same way you do at home. If it looks dirty, don’t buy.
I’ve always drunk the tap water with no issues but bottle water is cheap and readily available.

Prem Chetan Gopall answered 8 months ago

The information is completely incorrect. Concerning water you can get mineral bottled water everywhere. Enjoy your stay😁

SNZ Car Rental answered 8 months ago

In Mauritius we never heard that any client have food poisoning never a people was poisoned with water

Chris St Mart answered 8 months ago

Never had a issue or have I been concerned, enjoy 😋

Karen Dumee-Duval answered 8 months ago

Just go where there are locals lining for the food. It means the food is good and freshly made!

Mauritius vip Tours & transfers answered 8 months ago

not really

Merle Marillier answered 8 months ago

Which side of Mauritius will you be in .
If in the north. I have no problems eating street food .

The green caravan at Mont Choisy Beach Great food.
The caravans at Perebyere Beach also great food.
Also you can buy a cooked chicken or cold meats at Winner’s supermarket , some bread rolls and cooldrink if you at the beach .
No need to pay lots of money for food .

However I always buy bottled water.

Mark Russell answered 8 months ago

Street food and restaurant food 🥘 is fine I eat it all the time, just heed the advice if it looks bad don’t go there! However this is Mauritius 🇲🇺 and a lot of places don’t look good and have the best food 🍲 just look for lots of people going there 😊
As for water 💦 it’s supposed to be safe, but there has been a lot of bad weather lately and ongoing pipeline replacement, better to drink bottled water, it’s very cheap 👍

Anoushka Alleesaib answered 8 months ago

This is complete false and unfair. Streets foods are the best to discover the diversity of mauritian cusine at an afordable price. My kids drinks tap water since birth.

Meesh Ah answered 8 months ago

We boil water. Tap water is sometimes muddy.

Kari Eriksson answered 8 months ago

You can get gastro or food poisoning anywhere, try Egypt

Jan-Ian Low answered 8 months ago

No been to Mauritius 8 times never had a problem with the food or water

Dee Bella answered 8 months ago

Everyone’s immune system is different. We go and visit Mauritius and we eat street foods and restaurants food and drink tap water. Our kids are born in the UK. Nothing happened to us.

May Linn Alexandre answered 8 months ago

I’m a Norwegian and have lived in Mauritius for 17 years and have never had any problems with eating anywhere. I love the street food and have never been worried. All my friends and family that has been visiting over the years has never gone sick. I do drink bottle water tho. Trou Aux Biches is lovely and the food trucks at the beach is sheep and delicious! Try the farata/roti and the chees samosa (it’s sold from a blue small kiosk) made fresh at the spot and I promise you want get disappointed😋

Rajshree Gobind answered 8 months ago

I think every where is some time fond not good ..even in.belguim de food in restaurant is not good we pay but yes
Just try to enjoy an look where you see is good is

Anita Pali answered 8 months ago

Restaurants are absolutely fine but I definitely wouldn’t eat from streetfood vendors ( my partner once got very sick after he ate from one near our hotel). We have always had ice in our drinks in the hotels ( Trou Aux Biches hotel, Hotel Victoria and Sugar Beach hotel) and been absolutely fine but we only drink bottled mineral water xx

Bettina Müller answered 8 months ago

Not correct!!

Far Deen answered 8 months ago

It is fake but obviously not all place
Same like every countries

Yennie Norton answered 8 months ago

After 10 years here i have never had a gastro or food poisonning, i eat street food and drink tap water. Only when heavy rains it is recommended to drink bottled water. Enjoy your trip 😊

Deborah Dove answered 8 months ago

There are so many smaller self service shops and bigger chains in malls with food courts out there you don’t need to eat the street food if u wary. But as mentioned a couple times here eat where u see fresh food being cooked or prepared in front of u in hygienic conditions. Have lived here for 30 years and have always stuck to bottled or filtered water. This time of year the water supplies can get contaminated with bad weather conditions so would steer clear of salads or ice not prepared by yourselves, hotel or decent restaurant.

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