QuestionsFood-RestaurantsLa Pirogue Beach BBQ
Anonymous asked 6 months ago

La Pirogue Beach BBQ 🍗 We are currently here at Long Beach Resort and have noticed that you can book a BBQ beach dinner (on Fridays) at La Pirogue. It’s Rs 3800 for non residents (which works out about £60 per person) Has anyone done this, what’s included? Is it worth it for a change? Thank you 🙏

Pink's Sweets answered 6 months ago

Daved Viji reply sa please

Charleen Wiehe answered 6 months ago

Hi ya. You will get an awesome sunset as La Pirogue is on the west of the island. It’s one of my favourite hotels. Will they transfer you between hotels?

Gwenola Leclerc answered 6 months ago

Bonsoir.nous étions à la pirogue en septembre et nous avons mangé sur la plage le BBQ.
C était vraiment top et ça vaut le coup vraiment.

Karen Trethewey Gee answered 6 months ago

It is fabulous ! We had a sea food BBQ there and it was outstanding with so much choice and variety ! It’s really worth it ! Sunset is fabulous too ..

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