QuestionsFood-RestaurantsHow expensive lunch/drinks are in Westin Turtle Bay?
Anonymous asked 6 months ago

We’re staying in Westin Turtle Bay later this year half board. Just wondering if anyone could give me an idea how expensive lunch/drinks are? I know it’s a bit more remote but are there any local supermarket or places we can go for lunch within walking distance? Does anyone know what the evening entertainment is like to? Thank you 😊

Leo Sweers answered 6 months ago

Can’t say about the price but I did stop there last year it’s very remote. Nothing local and certainly nothing within walking distance I could be wrong

Alexa Sinzig answered 6 months ago

Please send me a message with you email address and I will share the information on Monday. I work for Marriott Mauritius and also just spend my holiday at lovely Westin Turtle Bay 🥰

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