QuestionsGeneral-MiscHow was your experience with buying PC Parts from Aliexpress?
Hoaxify asked 5 months ago

I'm deciding to get RAM stick and Air cooler of good brand (Teamgroup and DeepCool) at good price on Aliexpress from sellers like Aliexpress Collection , Factory Direct and cutesliving store.How was your experience?Did you receive the items by courier at home or did you have to go fetch at the customs?If fetched, did you have to show any documentations at the customs?How long does it take to deliver to Mauritius?Any other charges i should know of, apart from shipping (free shipping) and 15% VAT?

_DEATH_STR0KE_ answered 5 months ago

I havent bought expensive PC parts. mainly ssd’s and 120mm fans. all came to my local post office(Rs 40 delivery fee) or via the chronopost/speedaf(free)…sometimes they’ll block the ssds and will require the 15% tax and another fee.

The sellers you mentioned are solid… i buy mainly from them too…free shipping hahaha

jik_lol answered 5 months ago

I bought an old xeon, a cheapo cpu cooler and some RAM. They were in good condition. Didn’t pay tax since they were all less than rs 1000

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    Mauritius is believed to be the only known habitat of the now extinct flightless Dodo bird. The bird, once present in huge numbers on the island, was flightless owing to a shortage of predators and thus remained safe on the ground. The arrival of humans in the form of sailors saw vast numbers of dodos being killed for their meat. With humans came rodents and primates who destroyed and consumed the dodo's eggs. The entire dodo population was wiped out within a century.
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