QuestionsGeneral-MiscMauritius Duty Free Paradise IT incompetence
naks26 asked 8 months ago

So, while finalising my trip to MU next week, I thought to myself why not order some stuff at MDF online and then just collect it on arrival.So I navitage to [](, and what do you know, the website has no content, but asks for a login, which is a bit weird.So I Google a bit, and one of the top results is [](, which, again, is very strange.So I go to that site, and it is publicly accessible, complete with stock numbers, ability to add stuff to the Cart, etc. And it even has a connection to a live payment gateway #facepalmAnd, of course, I tried phoning, but no one answers the phone, and I've sent emails, which have not been openened.They also have another site, [](, adversited on their FB page [](, and that website doesn't even exist.I don't know who the people in charge of IT at MDFP are, but this level of incompetence is simply mind-boggling!

Ilijin answered 8 months ago

Website in Mauritius is absolutely trash, no updates, barely any UI/UX. If you want something better check their Facebook page if they have one. Only big companies take some time to update their websites.

Accomplished_Web_926 answered 8 months ago

Sorry to hear that, but if anyone knows how to get in touch with these people. A better system can be made for the future.

Deep-Celebration-966 answered 8 months ago

The thing is that not all Mauritians really into this field, beause life there for them is already difficult and company can’t afford a reliable developer cuz it will cost so much for them for just one work. And not everyone has got any necessary skills or has go to a school for that, I will better look at others website if I was you

gilbertcarosin answered 8 months ago

this level of incompetence is pretty much the norm here and i am sure all this web-hosting has been paid at an obnoxiously high price … don’t buy anything from it if there is a complain to be made it will be lost in limbo for decades.

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