QuestionsGeneral-MiscMauritius’ flag is one of the most obscure flags globally
ajaxsirius asked 2 months ago

The flag of Mauritius is one of the most obscure flags globally.

_DEATH_STR0KE_ answered 2 months ago

Completely normal.right? for a small country with a relatively small population of 1.2m.

doGscent answered 2 months ago

It’s a fairly unremarkable flag, tbh. Same goes with our national anthem; the people in charge back then picked the most boring options.

vecust answered 2 months ago

Mauritians haven’t done much to stand out to the eyes of the whole wide world, sadly to say that. Our music isn’t as famous as we think. We aren’t doing well in sports, we can’t enter the World Cup (football) because we are constantly disqualified when we play among other African countries. Our food isn’t that famous because it doesn’t stand out as well. Our most famous dishes are Chinese and Indian. Who else makes these type of food? The rest of the World. Biryani wasn’t invented in Mauritius nor the Halim. Not even fried rice and noodles. To be recognisable, you have to stand out and be different. Do your own things, come up with your own things. Forget about flags for a second, there are smaller countries that are way more famous than Mauritius, for instance, the Maldives. Why? They managed to come up with new things regarding tourism.

Omasrealaccount answered 2 months ago

Should it be otherwise?

RoseHill20201 answered 2 months ago

I see Mauritius advertised quite a lot on the pitch side hoardings at Anfield. If they also incorporated the flag then recognition of it would shoot up.

NeKapS9 answered 2 months ago

Well, everyone using google will see our red, blue, yellow and green. It is a common pattern everywhere. So, unless you need it in a flag form, it is quite popular. 😅

island_girl1 answered 2 months ago

Also, people assume it is the pride flag 🏳️‍🌈

Cpt_Daryl answered 2 months ago

Not in cycling. Our flag is almost exactly like the colors a world champion would wear on his/her jersey

Temporary_Actuary181 answered 2 months ago

Bruh it takes one crazy incident with worldwide coverage for your flag to go high up there

Dont jinx yourselfs

jungleboy1234 answered 2 months ago

I recognise it all the time in the UK. All the cyclists have it for some reason, they dont realise…. Funny i think they are cycling for Mauritius lol.

Orcatrouble answered 2 months ago

Doesn’t really matter though, does it? Every Mauritian I know and myself are filled with pride when we see it anywhere, that’s enough. The people who know, know. And those who don’t, oh well.

-XIX_ answered 2 months ago

I just got back from Mauritius. I cannot believe how pervy the men (mainly taxi drivers) are in Port Louis

streamer3222 answered 2 months ago

I once went into an international event where I represented Mauritius. Some people did not know about Mauritius, yet others recognised us because of our flag—it was the most colourful of all!

TechnicianElegant answered 2 months ago

It’s not the colours of flag that make it recognised in the world … it’s contributions and progress of the people that makes a flag recognised in the world

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    Mauritius is also home to two UNESCO World Heritage sites - the first is Aapravasi Ghat, where Indian labourers were brought over by the Britishers to work on the sugarcane plantations. The name translates to immigration depot. The second World Heritage Site - Mont Le Morne Brabant was once a sanctuary for the slaves who escaped their master's oppressive rule in the 18th and early 19th centuries. This mountain is a popular trekking destination and can provide trekkers with views of a lifetime.
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