QuestionsGeneral-MiscSenior cyber security consultant salary in Mauritius in EY?
Bakshi_india asked 7 months ago

What is the salary for senior cyber security consultant in Mauritius in EY or in any BiG4 in MUR per month?

freeatom25 answered 7 months ago

Dont know if this helps but 3 months ago HR proposed rs45k basic /month to a friend and he rejected their offer.

SkibidiBalls answered 7 months ago

All of the Big 4 here are crever. Low-balling is all they know here, we’re nothing but cheap labour for them.

Bakshi_india answered 7 months ago

In India I am getting 63000 MUR per month after tax deduction. I haven’t received the offer yet, just wanted to understand what should I expect from them.

Ushal1234 answered 7 months ago

Hourly rates in Big 4 firms are ridiculous. Even a Mur 70K salary doesn’t justify the number of hours you work i.e from 9-8 everyday plus working during weekend and even on public fucking holidays.

Electronic_Drama_554 answered 7 months ago

What is the big4?

mikealgo answered 7 months ago

Working locally is not worth it if you have the skills to show for it. Look for a global full remote company as most won’t worry about paying you. We are speaking at least 100k-350k MUR per month. Anything below 100k for a Senior position (L3 and above) is not worth it. Don’t let them sell you the garbage “come to learn” or “growing opportunities”. All are lies and red flags.

If a company does not have the budget they should be straightforward and not gaslight you about not willing to pay you for XYZ other reasons. They should just look for interns or juniors.

Alternative-Effort10 answered 7 months ago

Its pretty shit tbh
But go for the big four exp. Then cash out in industry

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