QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhat is the best way/platform to find a home for 2 purebred huskies in Mauritius?
Fit_Performer3910 asked 8 months ago

They are 3.5 months old. I won't have time to look after them properly they are too playful. 45k neg each

_sleeper63 answered 8 months ago

I’m not a dog expert or anything, I barely know anything about dogs, but wouldn’t Huskies fare better in a much colder climate than Mauritius?

roboto_ answered 8 months ago

Eek huskies is that particular breed that has to be trained early on or else they give you trouble later, they are so smart.
Don’t have advice for you but please hire a trainer in the meantime until you can rehome

Tizufuja answered 8 months ago

Oh my goodness, they are puppies, of course they are playful, puppies are a lot of work and deciding to get one puppy let alone two large breed very active pups is a huge decision needing lots of breed research followed by dedication and commitment for the next 10 to 15 years. They need at least 2 hours a day exercise and play, plus training and grooming, why did you get these pups? Sorry, not answering your question, try talking to the person you bought them from, though I don’t understand why they let you adopt them in the first place if they are responsible breeders, beg them to help you re-home them with responsible and dedicated animal lovers who can commit to these poor puppies. Please ensure they go to a good home with responsible owners and are sterilised as soon as possible.

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