QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhat is the safety record of submarine trips?
a95kmed asked 12 months ago

After the widely covered incident of the Titan sub implosion, I'm interested to know about the overall safety of the Blue Safari Submarine tour in Mauritius. Have there been any recent changes or has it always been a safe experience?

Fat_Cat1991 answered 12 months ago

i was on a submarine tour years ago, and it was totally fine..the reason why titan imploded is that they used non standard materials, the carbon fiber which was recycled from spare parts for airplane. also the structual integrity of the hull suffered each dive making it more prone to implosion which in the end it did.

tl:dr your fine as most submarines are made of steel and other materials that are tested to withstand multiple dives and still be safe.

neoz99 answered 12 months ago can literally swim up from the blue safari

Julien1333 answered 12 months ago

If they run using a logitech gamepad, run…

MrPekko answered 12 months ago

You should be fine. We don’t have any similar depth to that of the titanic here. Most likely you will be at 35 meters which is considered safe since a professional human can go max 40 meters without equipment.

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