QuestionsGeneral-MiscWhere can I locate affordable men’s jeans in Mauritius without breaking the bank?
Diligent_Energy_4922 asked 12 months ago

Specifically interested in straight leg jeans.

Adorable_Savings_90 answered 12 months ago

Iguano, near TFP

DeliciousBallz answered 12 months ago

Port Louis, you can bargain your way there for really good prices.

Cthulhu_Madness answered 12 months ago

At the Air Mauritius building to the right, there is a small shop where you can get them at around Rs 350.

If I’m not mistaken the building is called Celicourt Tower and there is a phone / phone accessories shop just before the shop.

Or you can check at Bogard located at both Curepipe and Rose Hill / B.Bassin which usually sells at Rs 500.

Retribuzione answered 12 months ago

Just go to any shop in curepipe or rosehill arcade, all of them are good it all depends on how you wash them. I always buy cheap clothes and most of them last very long for their price compared to some “branded” ones.

doGscent answered 12 months ago

Lafwar, man

L4993Rz answered 12 months ago

There are a bunch of hawkers at the junction between Les Jardins de la Compagnie and La Chaussée, good quality and for cheap and you can negotiate if you want but the price was around 500 per pair.

urrealthoughts answered 12 months ago

Look for article dusines on fb.

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