QuestionsMoney-ShoppingHas this ever happened to any of you?
Anonymous asked 8 months ago
Guys Guys.Listen to this.
12August I stayed in an apartment in Perebere x3 nights.
The payment was not credited into their account.I used my debit card.So I settled the payment in cash.
Yesterday £192.16 was taken out of my account by this company.
My bank is sorting this out.
Has this ever happened to any of you?

Jarkko Laine answered 8 months ago

Lesson Number one, never debit, always credit.

Rosabie Anton-Sattel answered 8 months ago

Lesson nr 2
You havn’t Check if the owner have a Tourist Authority permît .

Patrick Louise answered 8 months ago

No. Thank god

Neil Wilson answered 8 months ago

Why didn’t they get credited with the payment? Bank fault or a booking site?

Bill Beekoo answered 8 months ago

No that should never have happened

Bettina Müller answered 8 months ago

No never

Preyvin Sookun answered 8 months ago

Will update you with the outcome guys
Good or bad
Not big money

Shouldn’t happened

Amanda Rose answered 8 months ago

This is the bank fault not the owners.

David Neish answered 8 months ago

It’s the biggest scam in the book

Jill Holloway answered 8 months ago

It’s a bank problem. The MCB can take 3 or 4 days to process foreign card payments. We often have to request action from our private banker.

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