QuestionsMoney-ShoppingIs it best to buy Mauritian currency in UK or in Mauritius please?
Anonymous asked 4 months ago
Is it best to buy Mauritian currency in UK or in Mauritius please?

James Penny answered 4 months ago


Seeta Slater answered 4 months ago

At the airport in Mauritius

Janet Dinaully answered 4 months ago

Certainly not in UK, it’s simple to exchange cash at the airport and a so much better rate 🤗

Jacqueline Louise answered 4 months ago

Best to change on arrival at airport for a good rate

Patrick Louise answered 4 months ago

Well would say better rate at Mauritius airport Was 57 rupes to £ last week so you will have to check at Gatwick or where you are flying from

Andy Hamilton answered 4 months ago

At airport in mauritius, but exchange a little here, you never know, for whatever reason, the exchange bureau may be closed (unlikely) but at least you won’t be stuck. Currently UK Post office is 54mru/£1, Airport is 58mru/£1……difference is 4mru = 70p so in the scale of things not much difference

Lee Marriott answered 4 months ago

I’ve been drawing direct from MCB Cashmachines and getting from 58.1 to 58.9rs per £. Airport was less. You can draw max 10000rs per transaction, but you can do it twice

Brenda Mills answered 4 months ago

John Lewis rate is 54.38 Mauritian Rupee to the £1 and if you buy £500 worth it is delivered free within 24/48 hours and delivered by Royal Mail.

Ian Swift answered 4 months ago

I’m taking £200 in rupees with me rest on Monzo card to withdraw over there

Karen Cook answered 4 months ago

Airport in Mauritius. 😊

Mohammud Shabbeer Hossanee Aldin answered 4 months ago

At the airport upon arrival

Andrew Docherty answered 4 months ago

Can you convert back to sterling at the airport when departing?

Matar Dev answered 4 months ago

In Mauritius

Mira Clarke answered 4 months ago

I would say in Mauritius as the rate of exchange is better there.
A lot of the towns also have a Bureau de Change offering good rates.

Roland Roth answered 4 months ago

At the airport in Mauritius!

Ash Lutchman answered 4 months ago

In Mauritius. You have a number of Foreign exchange dealers, you can negotiate on the rate.

Irovini Muni answered 4 months ago

Definitely here in Mauritius you have a lot of exchange office

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