QuestionsMoney-ShoppingWhat is the best currency to bring from UK regarding tips & day trips?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
It will be our first visit to this beautiful island from the UK in May. What is the best currency to bring regarding tips & day trips? TIA

Raj Tirbooman answered 7 months ago

Take £ sterling and change into local Rupees at the airport in Mauritius. You can also change in any Bank out there but you will get better exchange rate at Bureau de change.

Robandsue Taylor answered 7 months ago

Get chase or monzo and get it from cashpoint but allways push the button for mastercard rate not local exchange rate

Eastcape Mauritius answered 7 months ago

Greetings from Eastcape Excursion Mauritius.
Welcome to Mauritius
The 💷 sterling are easily changeable at the airport exchange counter.

Patrick Louise answered 7 months ago

Mauritius rupes

Calypso Excursion Mauritius answered 7 months ago

So many trips

Vicki Smart answered 7 months ago

We change cash at the airport. Used a combination of cash and card for paying locally. Booked trips on line by card and also used card when shopping. Depends on whether your card will charge you for using abroad. Enjoy

Aarti Sawhney answered 7 months ago

Exchange at the airport or any bureau de change
But don’t ask for the best rate on this group – there’s some people who will possibly attack you for this.

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