QuestionsSports-ActivitiesWhat are your must do suggestions on the island?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Arriving in February, staying in Tamarin. What are your must do suggestions on the island? Want to do seaplane so recommendations for companies would be appreciated

ASAS Car Rental - Mauritius answered 7 months ago

LagoonFlight Mauritius

Shahana Yasha answered 7 months ago

Mauritius vip Tours & transfers highly recommended

Hello we can help you organising your entire stay in mauritius concerning transportation and daily outing thank you

Jonathan Juste answered 7 months ago

Hello for all your excursions,airport transfer Kestrel Azur Tours may help🙂

Nadine Peterson answered 7 months ago

Book the seaplane well in advance – Lagoon Flight from La Prairie beach.
Catamaran cruise Oceane or Black River Charters (West – from Le Morne Anglers Club).
Catamaran Cruise up North to Islot Gabriel
Catamaran Cruise East to Isle Aux Cerfs (with parasailing – Oceane Cruises)
Hiking in the Black River Gorges
Hiking up Le Morne
Tea Route (Domaine des Aubineaux, Bois Chéri, and Saint Aubin)
Seven Coloured Sands, Curious Corner, Rhumerie Des Chamaral, Ganga Taloa Grand Bassin
Seven Cascades
Casela Nature Park
Troux au Cerfs Volcano
Les Caudan Waterfront and Odysseo Aquarium taking the Metro Express from Vacoas Phoenix
Botanical Gardens in the North but take a guide when there, it’ll be worth your while, then explore Grand Baie, with lunch at the Beach House.
You can get a guide / taxi that can take you around and help you plan your outings.
You can PM me for more info.

Kunal Pertaub answered 7 months ago

Le Morne.

Rishiraj Dugroo answered 7 months ago


Alsheriad Domun answered 7 months ago

Hello you can contact us on whatsapp for your activities like hiking the 7 waterfalls,le morne brabant,view points and beautiful beaches.

Dario Beguinot answered 7 months ago

Am from tamarin bay a local boy at your service

Vickie Wells answered 7 months ago

Going feb too also tamarin!!! Excited 😛

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