QuestionsSports-Activities5 islands trip private tour
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Thinking of doing the 5 islands trip private tour could anyone that has done it recommend anyone and give me an idea of what price I should expect I understand it depends on what you want to see but a ball park figure so I know what I should be looking at or there abouts tia x

Kelly Woodford-phillips answered 7 months ago

We paid about £65pp. It was a fantastic trip.. we booked with Dino Boat Trip and would highly recommend

Cheryl Green answered 7 months ago

Highly recommend Mauri Boat Trip , we did a private trip with them in October, brilliant day

Jo Haddon answered 7 months ago

Thankyou all 🙏

James Boyland answered 7 months ago

Maximum 3000rs per person incl drinks and lunch for full day. Options between speedboat and catemaran. We did it this week it was great fun despite some intermittent rain!

Dave answered 7 months ago

For private tours and private services whether tour , boats , taxis – always check whether they are licensed by the Appropriate Authority eg Tourism Authoriy or Taxi Authority . Then it is up to you to negotiate the price with them according to your itinerary . As a rule of thumb for prices , the cost per head should not be any higher than what you would pay for a similar service of similar quality and duration in the European countries . In some cases prices will be cheaper in Mauritius .

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