QuestionsTourism-AdviceHey everyone I need some help can’t decide between La Pirogue and Lux Grand Gaub…
Anonymous asked 8 months ago

Hey everyone I need some help can’t decide between La Pirogue and Lux Grand Gaube! travelling with an 18 and 16 yr old! Thanks much appreciated.

Waren Amd answered 8 months ago

Lux Grand Gaube it’s nice and next to the hotel 15 minutes of driving you can do nice shopping, restaurants, nice bar lots of diversity and the northern islands most beautiful islands around Mauritius.
If you coming there for this excursions I recommend One Drop Excursions they pick up directly at the hotel 🙂

Wish you a great day

Thanaz Desalles answered 8 months ago

I will say la pirogue there is more activity in this region

Jordan Sokalingum answered 8 months ago

Lux grand gaube

Rajen Ramah answered 8 months ago

Do stay in both…worth the experience 🤔

Pink's Sweets answered 8 months ago

La pirogue without hesitation the very best hotel and great staff and delicious food and large variety as well

Christian Lee answered 8 months ago

Definitely LUX

Mauritius Tour Guide answered 8 months ago

La pirogue 👍

Mauritius vip Tours & transfers answered 8 months ago

how can to help you

Nikhil Doyle-Ramah answered 8 months ago

Break up your stay… Both are good experiences

Amita Rose answered 8 months ago

La Pirogue is a five star n nice hotel. But if you have 2 young kids try something i. North as lots of nearby mall . Walk in the villages nearby n walking distance n great place to walk wiz kids. U can book any beachcomber group or lux in grand bay or any other smaller hotels

Vicky taxi Mauritius answered 8 months ago

LUX Grand gauge

Rosabie Anton-Sattel answered 8 months ago

La pirogue one of the best..
With Kids :
Casela Park
George national Park
La Vanille Park
Île au Benitier
Climbing Le Morne
Etc etc

Keshav Beerbul answered 8 months ago

la pirogue🔥

Zaheer Alvin answered 8 months ago

La pirogue💯

Miven Davissen Daniel answered 8 months ago

Why not both?

Faizul Rohomun answered 8 months ago

Lux grand gaube

Sylvie Baudoux answered 8 months ago

La Pirogue 🥰

Jo-Ann Florens Lacoste answered 8 months ago

La pirogue’s beach is a 100 times better…plus booking at la pirogue also gives you access to the Sugar Beach which has beautiful experiences.

Rammah Yanish answered 8 months ago

La pirogue

Hels Hels answered 8 months ago

Lux Grande Gaube

Kevin Ramsaha answered 7 months ago

La pirogue

Vicky Dieheart Reds answered 7 months ago

La pirogue..superb hotel..

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