QuestionsTourism-AdviceWhat’s the rain like?
Anonymous asked 10 months ago

Hello everyone, I'm planning a trip to Mauritius in January and considering staying in different locations like Trou aux Biches to Le Morne. I've heard it's the wettest month, so I would appreciate your recommendations. Does the rain last all day or is it similar to Thailand with brief yet heavy showers either at night or during the day?

Jacques Clarel Lamothe answered 10 months ago

To be honest with you January is a bit of a gamble. It’s in full cyclonic season so it’s all about your luck really. I’ve been back home in January myself I’ve enjoyed a bit of everything lol from sunny day flood cyclones class 3 which shut the whole island. Still enjoyable depends on your luck really..

Simona Izabela answered 10 months ago

I’m interested too🫶🏼 ✌🏼

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