QuestionsTourism-AdviceWorried about the weather in July
Anonymous asked 2 months ago

We need to pay over £10k for our holiday during the UK school summer hols. It never occurred to me to consider the weather in Mauritius. We are staying at Coin de Mire in the north-west of the island. Help me decide, as we are going on the 21st July for 2 weeks and I am worried about the weather. I wanted to relax on the beach and by the pool in warm sunshine. What are your thoughts? Thank you.

Nikki Flynn answered 2 months ago

We’ve just been on a trip and was told west was best for the weather

Rebecca Edmonds answered 2 months ago

Id say go, there is literally so much to do in Mauritius. X

Not sure what you are asking..
If you should spend 10k in winter?

Nicola Palmer-Khodadin answered 2 months ago

We go always in summer holidays as from the UK.. have always had the best time.. temps are warmer than UK summer so I’d definitely go for it ☺️

Andrea Stone answered 2 months ago

We went in July/August last year and it was perfect in Grand Baie in the top North West. It was so good we are going back in just under 5 weeks

Anne Mayes answered 2 months ago

We just had 9 nights at that hotel booked through British Airways and it cost the 3 of us around £1,300 each half board. This hotel is quite budget friendly compared to a lot of other hotels.

Magdel Fouche answered 2 months ago

North west. Look at Victoria Beachcomber Resort & Spa or Trou aux Biches Beachcomber Golf Resort & Spa

Lauren Flynn answered 2 months ago

We’re here now in the East (supposedly worst part) weather has been beautiful, the odd shower but very light and over in 5 mins. Don’t believe the apps xx

Emma Hennessy answered 2 months ago

We are here now it’s lovely and we was told it was going to be terrible.

Carolyn Parkinson answered 2 months ago

Well it’s winter in Mauritius technically the dry season. Weather should be low 20s. Also remember sunsets early as it’s winter so days are shorter 🤷‍♀️

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    Mauritius is believed to be the only known habitat of the now extinct flightless Dodo bird. The bird, once present in huge numbers on the island, was flightless owing to a shortage of predators and thus remained safe on the ground. The arrival of humans in the form of sailors saw vast numbers of dodos being killed for their meat. With humans came rodents and primates who destroyed and consumed the dodo's eggs. The entire dodo population was wiped out within a century.
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