QuestionsTourism-AdviceWe‘re currently looking into getting married in Mauritius with a wedding planner…
EmuAvailable asked 7 months ago

Hi all, hope this is ok to ask. We‘ll be in Mauritius next year and I have 2 questions which I hope someone could help me with. First topic: the wedding We‘re currently looking into getting married there with a wedding planner. Our idea was to get married on a public beach. They sent us a quote for roughly 2k € which includes everything you can imagine (handling all legal stuff, hair/make up, arch at the beach, private driver to/from Port Louis for legal stuff and to/from the beach, flower arrangements, champagne, small cake (it‘s just the 2 of us), photographer before/during/after wedding (roughly 3h) with ALL photos being sent to us in RAW format and the best 50 being edited as well, sending the certificate to us in our home country). I was wondering if you think this is a reasonable price? I have absolutely no idea, if this is much for what they are offering. Any insight would be helpful. Just trying to figure out if it makes sense to get a second quote from another vendor. Second topic: the hotel We‘re currently booked at the Preskil Island resort. It looks great from the pictures and the price-performance ratio looks reasonable. However our wedding planner suggested to look for something at the west coast as she thinks it‘s more beautiful to enjoy the sunsets over there. She also said the Preskil has a so-called Premium All Inclusive and a lot of things are not included in the normal All Inclusive. Contacted the hotel about it to verify but they just ignored me so far. So I‘m ideally looking for hotel recommendations on the west side, preferably offering All Inclusive with no additional costs (at least when it comes to food/drinks, I don‘t mind spending extra money on spa treatments etc.) – or is this something that doesn’t exisit? I wouldn’t mind upping our budget but I‘m definitely not looking into spending more than 3k € for one week for the both of us (note: we‘ll be there mid-March). Any help/info is appreciated! Thanks!!

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    Mauritius' national flag is also referred to as the Four Bands owing to the four coloured stripes each with its significance - Red symbolizes the bloodshed for abolishing slavery and attaining independence, Blue symbolizes the vast and mighty Indian Ocean surrounding Mauritius, Yellow symbolizes the bright and shining future ahead, and Green symbolizes the lush green vegetation on the island.
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