QuestionsTourism-AdviceLooking for top tips, must do’s…
Anonymous asked 8 months ago
So we fly 2 weeks today, our first time for a 10 day trip to Mauritius, and we are so excited! We’ve rented a car staying in a villa near Grand Baie. Please, Looking for top tips, must do’s… like local markets, beaches, favourite restaurants/bars for the area in the north of the island, or anywhere really. Thanks in advance!

Dave England answered 8 months ago

The garden grill grand baie is awesome!

Carole Kearey answered 8 months ago

Casala park
port Louis

Anne Lise answered 8 months ago

Don’t miss A’nwalé’s
Port-Louis streetfood & cultural walk !

Asaad Jumeer answered 8 months ago

If you wanna do the tour of old colonial Mauritius, then Le Chateau Labourdonnais is nice and the restaurant is AMAZING! Their tuna carpaccio is really good! Demeure Saint Antoine is typical colonial style dining. Both in the North. Then you have your usual suspects: Central market, China town, stroll in Port-Louis. Last year when I was on holidays, Desforges street in Port-Louis was buzzing around Xmas time and the street food was amazing! Just lots of traffic at night.
For restaurants: Sapin d’Or in Curepipe is my favourite chinese and service is good. Ti Couloir in Grand Baie is good local cuisine. There is a restaurant on the beach at the church in Cap Malheureux. And if you want something fancy, Lux Grand Baie has it all!

Jo Robert answered 8 months ago


– Bois chérie restaurant and tea tasting
– N’joy pub: live music and is kid friendly
– taste of freedom: Mahebourg and for me best seafood place in MU
– little drive through Chamarel
– sunset at Mt choisy
– Anse la raie beach in the evening
– Flacq market (very busy place parking might be a hassle)
– Port louis by night has a lot of street food I think at Rue des forges – very nice
– Barbizon in Chamarel offers ancient traditional menu, I am Mauritian and I tasted food I did not before. They have a set menu about Rs450 per pax I think.

Restaurants in the north;

Rougaille Creole
Domaine de Vale
Chez Ram
Vieille rouge

– Happy hour at sunset café with excellent view of the Baie in Grand Baie

Cheap breaky – go to the cafe at winners pereybere, buy pastries ( feuilleté crème and sausage roll are excellent) go have breakfast early morning at pereybere beach after a morning swim 😊

Enjoy Mauritius

Thomas Smart answered 8 months ago

10 days is to short. 😬

Eastcape Mauritius answered 8 months ago

Hi Jessica ,we will be pleased to welcome you and highly recommend the five islands speed boat trip with us is a great place to discover.Feel free to contact us for more details.

Ameeta Seelumbur answered 8 months ago

Can I ask who you rented the car from and daily rate? Thanks

Paul Wilkins answered 8 months ago

Catamaran trip out to the islands. Drinks and bbq included and great snorkelling. We have done it twice and thoroughly enjoyed it. Wear plenty of factor 50 as you get burnt easily. Bras D’Eau national park near Post Lafayette is a lovely walk. And the beaches in that area are really nice. Black river gorge near Tamarin is a nice walk and you may see pink pidgins and monkeys.

Clency Thomas answered 8 months ago

Go swimming at Pereybere Beach, about 10 minutes by bus from Grand Baie and then keep going to Cap Malheureux, one of the most peaceful places on the planet, Some night clubs in Grand Baie. Take the Express bus to Port Louis and have a drink at the Caudan.

Issoop Bankur answered 8 months ago

Welcome to my paradise island of Mauritius.

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