QuestionsTourism-AdviceWhich insect repellents do people use for their children?
Anonymous asked 3 months ago
Which insect repellents do people use for their children please? Ideally one I can get in the UK before we fly out. Thanks

Julie Mapp answered 3 months ago

They do insect repellent just for kids at Boots 😊

Emma Beckley answered 3 months ago

I just use the standard jungle formula one.

Suzy Green answered 3 months ago

We used Avon skin so soft and the kids had no bites. I used the strong jungle formula and got bitten alive!

Leanne Giffard answered 3 months ago

You can buy citronella and add it to sunscreen or moisturiser. We also bring a mini spray
Bottle and mix it with water. Spray ourselves and the
Room etc.

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