QuestionsTransportation-FlightsWhy did nobody warn me about the taxi drivers?!
Anonymous asked 3 months ago
Why did nobody warn me about the taxi drivers?! My god what a hair raising experience from airport to Bell Mare.

Evin Parianen answered 3 months ago

What happen??

Norma Morris answered 3 months ago

Most are great. We had a bad experience with only one 😤

Loris Gamba answered 3 months ago

Nobody knows you man, how could we have warned you?

Eliza Upmane answered 3 months ago

I liked a comment from you sir, about hair raising!;))

Samantha Reid answered 3 months ago

Just close eyes and pray

Brigitte Ahnee answered 3 months ago

welcome to Mauritius… try the bus called individual now… another near death experience! we mauritian are used with them… May be that’s why mauritian People are so God oriented🤣🤣🤣

Martin Beffert - Mauritius answered 3 months ago

Other than expected, they are not really good drivers! 🤣

Hansraj Jaunky answered 3 months ago

Your hotel

Jean-Eloïc Gaël Labonne answered 3 months ago

Not all taxi drivers are the same, some get it too easy and most of them work hard and risk their life. ✌🏾

Ronnie Lancaster answered 3 months ago

Stay away from taxis!
They wanted to charge 2 x of us RS 2000 from Troux Biches to Grand baie!
Same trip cost us RS 42.00 by bus!

Ian Head answered 3 months ago

Had one bad one from the North to airport in 17 years most are ok been here 5 years now 2 write offs now drive like the rest at lights keep up close to the one in front

Krishna Govindan answered 3 months ago

Sorry Mr President! This won’t happen again! We apologise to you Sir!!

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