QuestionsFood-RestaurantsWe had bacon for breakfasts at hotel everyday…
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
We had bacon for breakfasts at hotel everyday...

Carolyn Parkinson answered 7 months ago

Why wouldn’t it be available? 🤔

Akash Callikan answered 7 months ago


Zemen Orsolya answered 7 months ago

Sweet to believe that someone cares.🤣🤣🤣

Akshay Mungul answered 7 months ago

Wow that post will change my life forever now. Thanks

Jini Vythee answered 7 months ago

You must be HAMmered!!

Do share which hotel so we can all follow suit 😅😅

Alvi Chutoo answered 7 months ago

Bet it was halal too.

Christian Lee answered 7 months ago

Baked beans?😀

Vitus Hoffmann answered 7 months ago

you ate to much

Tax Xax answered 7 months ago

It’s mauritius the ultimative paradise

Vic Seechurn answered 7 months ago


Firoz Adam answered 7 months ago

u went millions miles away to have the same food u have here 🤐

Laura Hodkinson answered 7 months ago

I’m actually really pleased to read this, thank you. 🤩

Angie Roelofse answered 7 months ago

Be happy 😆 certain THAILAND hotels, only offers COLD fried eggs, bread, butter, fruit, yogurt, rice and chicken. 🫣

Claire Bear Garland answered 7 months ago

Wedding breakfast 🤤🤤🤤

San Ya answered 7 months ago

Ask them for dinner as well🤣

Steve Ripley answered 7 months ago

Can anybody recommend a really nice hotel food, five star plus Mauritius? I’ve been many times but always gone with beachcomber but I don’t feel I would use them again for many reasons.

Ayesha Kettell answered 7 months ago

Most places on the island serve chicken sausages/ham/bacon for breakfast out of consideration for Hindus & Muslims. You could buy your own pork products & eat discretely in your room if cannot do without.

John Strain answered 7 months ago

I dunno if this is meant to be funny?

Emily Dixit answered 7 months ago

Good for you 🙄

Ashley Victor answered 7 months ago

Is it not a breakfast where you can choose from 10 options? In what hotel did you go? 😂

Martin Beffert - Mauritius answered 7 months ago

Disgusting! 😅😅😅😅

Brigitte Buchner answered 7 months ago


Avinash Bissessur answered 7 months ago

I’m pretty sure 95% of hotels offer a buffet during breakfast.
If you’re chav enough to choose bacon everyday, dnt cry abt it wuss

Leslie McLaren Clark answered 7 months ago

I honestly can’t believe all the sarcastic comments here.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit!!

The man was Happy to get bacon. Why twist it?
Ian Button. You enjoy your bacon, and have a fabulous holiday.

Khyrah Takooree answered 7 months ago

CANT WATCH this link you tube asking to sighn i got no account with them only watch free suff . I have been to few poultry and other animal slaughter house also living few minutes from a slaughter house in 1970 Iknow the practices during my studies in foods technology in 1980..thankfully which i dont consume up to a human being to make their choices and their practice in the environments where they are living some well educated and company owner like late Apple boss knew his choice in various visit to Japan and others bosses do too .

Ina van Heerden answered 7 months ago

If you are in Rome, you do what the Roman’s do…. If you are in Mauritius you do what the Mauritians do.
You can eat what you want at home. Be daring and try something else.

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