The airport ADSU investigation, led by Chief Inspector Goinden, continues following his death during a purge exercise at the hospital. Arriving in Mauritius on Tuesday June 4 from South Africa, this 35-year-old man told ADSU that the mission consisting of smuggling Rs 17.2 million worth of cocaine should have been accomplished by his wife.

While around fifteen pellets of cocaine had been returned before his death, 79 other pellets were recovered during Jan Dutoit's autopsy.

This South African man died of an overdose after the packaging of one of the 95 pellets he had swallowed burst. Shortly before his death, Jan Dutoit explained that he was acting under the instructions of another South African who had promised him a nice bonus for this mission. However, he was unable to provide further details to police after his arrest due to his health condition. The financial bonus was to be paid only once the mission was successfully completed.

These sponsors using very clever methods did not provide details of the air container of the drug package. He explained to the ADSU that he only had to complete the pellet restitution exercise.

Father of two children, Jan Dutoit explained to investigators that he was in a delicate financial situation, which is why he undertook this high-risk trip to Mauritius for this drug mission.

Since the arrest and confession of Jan Dutoit, the ADSU has already transmitted the necessary information to the South African authorities via Interpol. Interpol has launched an investigation with a view to tracing the chain through Jan Dutoit's wife, a step which should allow the authorities to get closer to the dealers responsible for this export of cocaine to Mauritius.

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