It was he who conducted the last interview with former Labor minister Siddick Chady. It was on the program “Au Cœur de l’Info” on May 17, four days after Siddick Chady was released from prison where he had spent a little over eight months, his appeal having been rejected by the Privy Council . Siddick Chady was prosecuted for corruption in the Boskalis affair.

Nawaz Noorbux still remembers this interview. Asked for a statement by the press this Monday, the day after the death of the former minister at the age of 73, the information director of RadioPlus recalled that Siddick Chady was “one of the very rare politicians to have served a prison sentence.

“I wanted to do his interview so that he could tell his story, his experience and his ordeal as a person who achieved political glory and who, subsequently, had to spend a few months in prison. Why did I want him to say this? So that the general public lives this experience with him and so that other members of the political class can learn from it,” explains Nawaz Noorbux.

The RadioPlus news director affirms that it “was his duty” to visit the family of Siddick Chady, especially his son who had accompanied him to the RadioPlus premises as part of the program “ At the Heart of Info” on May 17. “After Siddick Chady's interview, his son was on the verge of tears. He was very emotional after this interview. I was very shocked to learn of the death of Siddick Chady yesterday,” he said.

“I keep the image of a broken Siddick Chady, morally scarred, but who still had courage,” says Nawaz Noorbux, adding that “this interview is memorable for him.”

“I'm not here to judge Siddick Chady. The court delivered its verdict. Now the only judge is God. », Underlines the information director of RadioPlus.

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