Pierre Dinan, whose voice has resonated with wisdom and insight through the decades, has left its mark on economic analysis in Mauritius. The economist has dissected, in his own way and in the appropriate terms, the national budgets. He offered his final thoughts on the 2024-25 Budget, a testament to his dedication to understanding and improving the economy.

True to form, Pierre Dinan reviewed the budgetary measures after the presentation made by the Minister of Finance. On June 10, 2024, the economist was among the speakers at the forum organized by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), in collaboration with the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants (MIPA), in Ébène. This “Post-Budget Forum” was one of the last public events in which Pierre Dinan took part and during which he delivered his analyses, each as in-depth as the last.

The economist has often stressed that Mauritius' dependence on imports does not enhance local production. “But it is high time to take corrective measures aimed at increasing our exports. This is how the country will be able to control inflation and attract more foreign exchange,” he said at the forum.

A great defender of human capital and the marine space surrounding the country, Pierre Dinan also said this: “We already have the human resources and marine resources. It must be used effectively. »

The years followed one another and were similar regarding Pierre Dinan's position with regard to those at the bottom of the ladder. A fervent supporter of sorting, the economist was of the opinion that protection of the most vulnerable could have been done through targeting. “But nothing was said at this level in the 2024-25 Budget,” he lamented.

Madhavi Ramdin-Clark, Head of ACCA Mauritius & New Markets: “a patriot and a great man”

“Pierre’s death on Thursday morning was a real shock. My thoughts go first and foremost to his wife Monique, his children and his loved ones. The words 'patriot' and 'great man' are often used, to the point of being overused. But in the case of Pierre, these words with all the value they carry and they have a certain relevance. He was definitely a great man both professionally and personally. He was a man who had the good of his country at heart.

He knew how to shine the spotlight on situations that risked compromising the common good. He had also participated in councils and decision-making within important public and private organizations. I recently had the opportunity, during our last meetings, to appreciate again his economic analyses, his clairvoyance, his frank speaking with tact, his kindness and his good humor, of which age had not deprived him. It is some of these qualities, professional and personal, that made him a Mauritian appreciated by so many people, of all professions, generations and social categories.

Our professional collaboration dates back several years, thanks to the interactions we had within various organizations. He had a special connection with ACCA, as he regularly participated in the Post-Budget Forum that ACCA Mauritius organizes every year after the reading of each Budget. His clear analyses and his blunt answers sometimes tinged with his subtle humor were extremely appreciated.

At the last edition of the Post-Budget Forum a few weeks ago, he again sounded the alarm, among other things, on the risks associated with the current and announced pension system. He addressed this subject quite often, because he foresaw the potential negative repercussions for the generations that follow his own. This was yet another example of his benevolence.

I also had the chance to get to know him socially, particularly within the Rotary Club of Port Louis Doyen, of which we are both members – he for decades and me for much less time. This allowed me to appreciate even more his personality, his human and social commitment, as well as his friendship.

Sheila Ujoodha, CEO of the Mauritius Institute of Directors: “her mark will remain forever in the making of MIoD”

“It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of Pierre Dinan, an emblematic figure as founding president of the Mauritius Institute of Directors (MIoD). Since the Inception of the Institute, he has remained an active and engaged member through his participation, presence and constant involvement in MIoD initiatives. Pierre has been an inexhaustible source of motivation for the institute. His encouragement has been invaluable throughout the years. His last words, shared in response to our recent newsletter, still resonate with us: 'Thank you for this interesting review of the recent past. Best wishes for the future.' A big thanks to him. His mark will forever remain in the fabric of the MIoD. »


Eric Ng, economist: “he launched my first book in 2005”

The best memory that Éric Ng has of Pierre Dinan is the launch of his first book, “Better Understanding the Economy,” in 2005. “I chose him to carry out the official launch and he accepted,” relates -he.

Since then, he claims that Pierre Dinan was always present at other launch ceremonies for his books. “Pierre Dinan was someone who had a deep passion for the economy and he was always available to comment on economic news, whether in the press or in forums,” says Éric Ng.

On the other hand, he emphasizes that he was always very calm during his interventions. The last time he met Pierre Dinan was on June 3, a few days before the presentation of the 2024/2025 Budget, during a program on Radio One. “As usual, we participated in a very fruitful debate. » The latter presents condolences to the Dinan family, in particular to Monique Dinan. “I know it’s a very tough ordeal. I share their pain. »

Azad Jeetun, economist: “his economic analyzes were very relevant and appreciated”

Economist Azad Jeetun worked with Pierre Dinan when he was president of the Mauritius Employers Federation (MEF). “As a director and he as president of the MEF, we had regular exchanges and meetings,” he says. He says they were also members of the Port Louis Rotary Club and met often. “Pierre Dinan was a professional man. His economic analyses were very relevant and appreciated.” He says his book “Maurice 1967-2017” on the economic and social history of the country is a reference. Azad Jeetun offers his condolences to the Dinan family.

Drishtysingh Ramdenee, secretary-general of the MCCI: “his impact on our economy will continue to influence future generations”

In the eyes of Drishtysingh Ramdenee, Pierre Dinan was a seasoned economist and an emblematic figure of Mauritius. “His expertise and insight have greatly contributed to the economic development of our country,” he points out. He adds that Pierre Dinan played a key role in the merger of JEC and MEF, giving birth to Business Mauritius. He underlines that his collaboration with the economic commission of the Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) has been invaluable.

“Author of economic works, respected advisor and member of numerous boards of directors, Pierre Dinan leaves a lasting legacy,” explains Drishtysingh Ramdenee. To his family and loved ones, the MCCI presents its sincere condolences. “Its impact on our economy will continue to influence future generations. »

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