Perfection. That's what she aims for in her works. This Sunday, let's discover the fluid art of Priya Jugduth, a self-taught artist we met during her solo exhibition that ended on June 23 at Lakaz Flanbwayan in Medina, Bambous.

Not the slightest trace of dust or paint stain, nor a tiny hint of disorder disturbs our view. The collection of 18 works by Priya Jugduth splendidly adorns the walls of Lakaz Flanbwayan.

If “Le Grand Bleu” seduces the “Beach Lovers” that we are with its dazzling blue, “The Storm” propels us into the murky waters arising from the artist's imagination, while the one with a Shiva meditating on a mountain , transcends us into a completely different universe.

However, we are left breathless by the beautiful colors and shapes brought to life on canvas in her work entitled “Happy Vines,” majestically made with the so-called “Dutch pour” technique. This acrylic pouring technique uses air to manipulate paints on a canvas with a hair dryer or a straw among other things. It is also known for the ribbon-like edges and lace cells it produces.

I let myself be inspired by the colors that surround me or sometimes by the theme”

Before the artist takes down her works, marking the end of her exhibition on Sunday, June 23 around 2 p.m., we take the opportunity to get to know her. Mother of two children named Neel and Naomi, she confides that she attended secondary school at Dr Maurice Curé College. Then, she continued her studies in Entrepreneurship & Business Management at the University of New Delhi, in India. After working at White Sand Tours for a while, she chose to stay at her children's bedside to ensure their education.

Priya Jugduth having fun creating her artwork “Happy Vines”.

Although she loves nature and animals, especially her two dogs Lucky and BB, who are her “Personal Healers” when her spirits are low, art is her true passion. She started in this field four years ago.

If videos on the internet arouse her curiosity, the discovery of fluid art, “Paint Pouring Art”, fascinates her. Particularly because this technique allows you to create paintings with surprising effects. Can she explain fluid art to us in a few words? Priya Jugduth says it's when you dilute acrylic paint with pouring medium and water, then pour it onto a support and spread it randomly to create an abstract painting.

I was going through a difficult time at the beginning of 2020. A few months later, I discovered this very particular style of painting… It helped me a lot to get through this difficult time.”

“I was going through a difficult time at the start of 2020. A few months later, I discovered this very particular style of painting. With the encouragement of my family, especially my mother Geeta, my brother Ashvin and my children, I took my first steps in 'Paint Pouring Art'. It helped me a lot to get through this difficult time,” she confides.

Inspired by the works of certain artists she follows on YouTube, Priya Jugduth in turn brings her emotions to life through her works. There is no doubt for her that it was her mother Geeta, whom she describes as a very creative person, who passed on to her this passion for creating beautiful things.

A perfectionist at heart, she does not hide the fact that she constantly erases what she puts on canvas if she is not happy with the result, and she starts again until she is satisfied. This is illustrated by the meticulousness that we see in her works. Priya Jugduth admits that she spent months and years refining this exhibited collection.

What techniques did she use for her collection presented solo at Lakaz Flanbwayan? The artist cites “Open Cup Pour”, “Dutch Pour”, “Swipe”, and “Mixed Media”. In terms of her preference for certain materials, Priya Jugduth reveals that she likes to “Swipe” with a palette knife using a “Cell Activator” to give a very airy effect, with magnificent bubbles and cells.

We ask her about her creative process. There is no magic formula, says the self-taught artist. “I let myself be inspired by the colors that surround me or sometimes by the theme.” Since her beginnings in fluid art, her style has evolved. “With practice, my style has improved and I dared to use brighter colors that I did not use at the beginning.”

With practice, my style improved and I dared to use brighter colors that I didn't use at the beginning.

However, it’s not just fluid art that interests her. Priya Jugduth also enjoys using texture in her paintings, particularly resin. “I’ve created several resin seascapes that have been very successful. I’ve also merged different styles to create ‘Mixed Media’ paintings,” she says. The artist cites the work “Continental Drift,” which is a mix of texture and fluid art, or “Mystical Beast,” which was made with three different components: texture, fluid art and resin.

Our favorite, “Le Grand Bleu”, which is her largest resin seascape, as well as a smaller one of the same kind, are already sold. As for the other paintings to see or buy them, just contact the artist on her Facebook page K'S Artworks or Instagram: Priya Jugduth, for more details.

To date, Priya Jugduth has participated in a dozen exhibitions and artistic collaborations. She also had the chance to participate in numerous group exhibitions while making lots of artist friends. What's next? “I think I will continue painting without thinking too much about the future. I don’t have anything specific at this stage, except, of course, to make my paintings known to a larger number of people,” she smiles.

The challenges of fluid art

When she started fluid art, she couldn't find the products that foreign artists used in their videos. “It was very frustrating,” she said with a laugh. He had to improvise at the beginning and wait for these products to arrive on the Mauritian market. “I also needed to order and purchase some products online, which was inconvenient in terms of waiting time and cost. 'Paint Pouring Art' as well as resin works are expensive. And if we want to have good results, we must invest in good products,” she emphasizes.

Talking about the public perception of her art, Priya Jugduth says that many people have liked her creations. “They find that there is something different even if they do not know the technique. Many do not realize how difficult it is to execute such paintings.”

For beginners who want to try their hand at pouring art, Priya Jugduth advises them not to be afraid to do it. “Paint pouring art is a lot of fun and to succeed, you just have to practice and persevere,” says the self-taught artist.

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