Successful operation by the Force Crime Intelligence Unit. This Sunday, there was a third arrest in the investigation into the kidnapping and assault of two people in Belle-Vue Maurel. A woman has been arrested in Rose Hill by Inspector Mohes’ squad. It's a woman named Stacy Amanda Songor. This 28-year-old woman was part of an organized gang who broke into the home of a senior official attached to the Ministry of Social Security.

According to the complainant, aged 51, on the morning of Friday June 28, she surprised a gang of criminals in her yard.

The victim reports that she and her brother were tied up and attacked by these attackers, which included two women. Then, one of the criminals stole jewelry and her bank card.

On Saturday, the detective inspector Mohes’ Crime Intelligence Unit made two more arrests in the investigation, namely Azagen Pyneandee Sanmooghen and Zaina Bibi Ludialiam, alias Yasmine. The trio of criminals remains in police custody.

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