Anil Kumar Dip is accused of using a Porsche Macan, a Range Rover Velar and a police BMW The Financial Crimes Commission has opened a preliminary investigation. Red MP Farhad Aumeer asked a parliamentary question seeking clarification.

While the Commissioner of Police (CP), Anil Kumar Dip, has remained silent about the allegations against him, the Government House is nevertheless following the unfolding of events with great attention. For the time being, they are sticking to the version of the police's No. 1 who denies the allegations against him.

It all started with an anonymous letter of denunciation, including many details, which was sent a few days ago to the Financial Crimes Commission (FCC), with copies to the Prime Minister, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Director of the Mauritius Revenue Authority and to the Financial Secretary of the Ministry of Finance.

Once the FCC acknowledged receipt of this correspondence, it had a legal duty to open a preliminary investigation to verify these allegations and to, potentially, open a formal investigation later if there is cause.

The allegations made by the anonymous whistleblower relate to the vehicles used by the CP. They claim that the latter uses three vehicles, namely a Porsche Macan, a Range Rover Velar and a BMW X6 M, from the police fleet for his professional and private use. The detractor adds that these are also available to Anil Kumar Dip's children, while the maintenance and running costs of these vehicles are borne by the police. These cars are said to be worth over Rs 22 million. According to the whistleblower, this would constitute a violation of Section 22 of the FCC Act: “public official using his office for gratification”.

Parliamentary question from MP Aumeer on this subject

At the Central Barracks, it is suggested that in circles close to the CP, there have been no violations and that the allegations are unfounded. For his part, Farhad Aumeer, a member of parliament for the Labour Party (PTr), intends to question Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth on the number of vehicles acquired for personal use by the CP since the latter was appointed to this position in February 2016. The red member of parliament also wants to have details, such as the price, model and running costs of these vehicles.

Farhad Aumeer's question comes third in the Prime Minister's Question Time. It can therefore potentially be answered by the head of government because the “Prime Minister's Question Time” lasts 30 minutes. His question is preceded by another on the recent destruction of drugs at the Central Barracks asked by Kavi Doolub, of the Militant Socialist Movement (MSM), and another on the construction of 15 chalets in Agalega by MSM MP Salim Abbas Mamode.

“I want a clear and concise response from the Prime Minister regarding the allegations against the CP. My aim is not to put Anil Kumar Dip on trial without knowing whether these allegations are true or not. We need a response from the only person who can give precise information on this subject and that is the Prime Minister,” says Farhad Aumeer.

He adds that taxpayers and the population as a whole expect total transparency from the authorities on such serious allegations. “I hope that the Prime Minister will ensure that he has time to answer this third question,” he says. Farhad Aumeer adds that if Pravind Jugnauth does not have time to answer his question in the National Assembly, “he will, if he wants transparency, submit his written response to Parliament as soon as possible.”

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