• Reconstruction of the facts under close police surveillance

Elements of the Major Crime Investigation Team (MCIT) are continuing their investigation into the death of Goolam Khodabux, 60, involved in a sword attack on Friday May 3. They analyzed images from the Safe City cameras, focusing on the route of the car used by the deceased on Friday May 3.

The police thus observed the Mitsubishi driven by Nadhir Khodabux make two passes through the streets of Camp-Yoloff, particularly in the neighborhood where Issa Bacsoo and his relatives live, before a meeting at the ABC roundabout. The police suspect the Khodabux clan of having wanted to check if this meeting was a trap, because of disagreements and virulent exchanges on the telephone between the two clans, the origin of which would be a cell phone theft from a relative of the Bacsoo in Karo Kalyptis a few days earlier.

Goolam Khodabux died on Thursday May 9 at the hospital where he had been admitted since Friday May 3. He had been savagely attacked by the Bacsoo gang, and left at the scene by his own people, who had also been injured by the sharp weapons. The autopsy, conducted by the police forensic department, attributed his death to intracranial hemorrhage.

Eight suspects participated in the reconstruction exercise on Wednesday.

Eight suspects, affiliated with the Bacsoo clan of Camp-Yoloff, were provisionally charged with murder in connection with this case. The exercise to reconstruct the events, organized under strict police surveillance, was held on Wednesday. Each of the suspects was taken individually to the scene where the violent altercation took place, in order to explain their alleged role that day. Wearing protective helmets and bulletproof vests, they recreated the events of Friday, May 3, under the careful surveillance of MCIT investigators and police cameras.

No incidents were reported during this process. Forensic officers, including photographers and videographers, were present to document the scene. The SSU ensured that onlookers and press representatives remained outside a security cordon to ensure the re-enactment of the events went smoothly.

Under the supervision of Superintendent of Police (SP) Vikash Seebaruth, suspects Sharad Karmally, Kenwell Marie and Nadhir Chetty were the first to be escorted to the scene, accompanied by an elite police escort. SSU commandos ensured their security. They then detailed their actions and involvement during the fatal altercation.

A fourth suspect, Nasif Hossenbucus, was asked to explain how he attacked Goolam Khodabux while he was on the ground. He was followed in this exercise by Nadeem Bheekun, then by Nawfal Khodabacus.

The seventh suspect, Issa Bacsoo, handcuffed, arrived on the scene with a broad smile addressed to his relatives present during the exercise. He explained to the members of SP Vikash Seebaruth's team his role during the attack on Goolam Khodabux. He was called to demonstrate how he had struck the sixty-year-old who was on the ground. CCTV footage showed him alongside Mehraj Bhageerutty and suspect Nasif Hossenbocus, known as Neel, attacking Goolam Khodabux.

Mehraj Bhageerutty was the last to participate in the exercise. The suspects were transported to Vallée-Pitot and Terre-Rouge. They explained how Nasif Hossenbocus, Nawfal Khodabacus and Mehraj Bagheerutty had gathered the other members of the gang before going to the meeting at Camp-Yoloff. Issa Bacsoo also told MCIT the location near his home in Camp-Yoloff where he was picked up to go to the roundabout. All the main parties confirmed the statements made during their interrogations.

Traffic disrupted

Throughout the reconstruction exercise, members of the regular police and the SSU were deployed at the four access points around the ABC roundabout. To facilitate its smooth running, traffic was interrupted several times at the ABC roundabout. During these interruptions, only heavy goods vehicles and emergency service vehicles were allowed to pass, under the supervision of police officers. After each phase of the exercise involving the eight suspects, some motorists were allowed to circulate in order to reduce road congestion.

Onlookers and relatives of the suspects on site

The atmosphere was tense at the scene. The relatives of the suspects, who came in large numbers to attend the exercise, were removed by the SSU. Despite this, they continued to shout their names each time they passed. We heard words of encouragement: “Weh, koze Issa” or “Mehraj, nou ar twa, pa per. » SSU members had to intervene several times to remind onlookers to stay out of the barricaded area.

With their cell phones, many took photos and videos of the scene. Some even broadcast live on Facebook to share this “event” with their friends. People driving by were just as curious, trying to figure out what was going on. Some seemed already informed, evoking rumors about the crime committed by these suspects.

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