Is it an offence to have 3D number plates on your vehicle? The issue has been at the centre of debate for the past two weeks. A fear exacerbated by the first announcement by the authorities saying that the fine for non-compliance of plates under the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill would increase from Rs 1,000 to Rs 25,000. A widely controversial decision that was later revised, the amount having finally been reduced to Rs 5,000.

Although the minister concerned, Alan Ganoo, tried to reassure the population, this did not, however, help to calm the apprehensions of some and others. Many motorists still have questions, especially among those who have 3D registration plates.

Asked about the subject, Barlen Munusami, road safety expert, said: “3D license plates do not constitute an offense. » He relies on what the law says. “If they respect the spacing rule and the required standards, there is no violation in the eyes of the law. 3D plates are not explicitly prohibited by law. For them to constitute an offense, the law must specify it. In the absence of this mention, it is difficult to prosecute someone on this ground,” he explains.

The road safety expert points out that the law includes criteria such as layout, size and spacing, in addition to the obligation that plates be retroreflective. “BS AU 145(d), a British standard which specifies technical requirements for motor vehicle registration plates, is applicable,” it notes.

This standard provides precise data regarding plate dimensions, including size, spacing, and character style. Materials must meet quality standards to ensure the durability and legibility of the plates.

A key requirement is that plates must be retroreflective, meaning they must reflect light in the direction it comes from, improving their visibility, especially in low light. Compliance with this standard aims to ensure that plates are visible and comply with traffic regulations, thus contributing to road safety and effective vehicle identification.


The subject sparked numerous reactions before the authorities' about-face, with comments flying from both sides. Some had argued that license plates are not directly linked to road safety. The minister wanted to explain: “They are linked to numerous offenses, such as drug trafficking or even hit-and-runs. It was necessary to intervene. This is why the amount of the fine for non-compliant registration plates is Rs 5,000, except in the case of a bulb that becomes defective en route. »

Alan Ganoo also wanted to be reassuring. “There is no ulterior motive behind the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill. The law has been reviewed numerous times, notably in 2023 and 2020, because road safety concerns the entire population,” he indicated.

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