With allegations of abuse against him, should Commissioner of Police (CP) Anil Kumar Dip, who is under investigation by the Financial Crimes Commission (FCC), step down or stay in office? No, says Samad Golamaully, Anil Kumar Dip’s legal counsel, in a statement to Défi Media Group. He adds that he sees no need for the police chief to step down. “If the FCC is a member of various institutions and if the CP is a member, it is not necessary for them to step down,” the lawyer says.

The allegations against the CP, termed “kout lepe dan dilo” by his close associates at the Central Barracks, were made in an anonymous letter sent to several authorities, including the FCC. The “crow” alleges abuses involving the use of police cars by Anil Kumar Dip and his two children. FCC director Navin Bheekarry then announced an investigation into the matter.

Samad Golamaully points out that the fact that an FCC investigation is underway does not necessarily imply a resignation or sidelining. Otherwise, he says, this practice would have been exploited by the opposition to send anonymous letters about various people in key positions and demand their resignation.

Faced with the fact that the CP position is constitutional and therefore of great importance, the lawyer asserts that the accusations remain unfounded allegations. “If I write to you anonymity against your penis or your personality, should you step down?” asks Mr. Samad Golamaully. He specifies that concrete elements are needed.

What do you think about the fact that the Prime Minister has, in the past, already demanded the resignation of ministers or deputies? The lawyer claims that it was only a “prima facie case”. He adds that gratuitous allegations are common. He recalls the case relating to the allegations about the importation of a Super Car supposedly for the Prime Minister's daughter, when it was false. Me Samad Golamaully insists that his client is someone of integrity and that he would act if he considered that the investigation targeting him contained serious elements.

Former magistrate Raj Penthiah, for his part, believes that in the interest of transparency, Anil Kumar Dip should step down until the investigation is over. “If the investigation clears him, he will return to his post. It would be very bad for the country and the institution after such allegations,” he maintains.

He said that in other states, following such allegations, a commissioner would have stepped down and made way for his deputy. He said there were clear elements in this case: “Vehicles were used. That is a fact.” He was of the view that in the interest of objectivity and transparency, Anil Kumar Dip should step down to preserve his integrity and out of respect for his position.

According to the lawyer, in the interest of objectivity and transparency, the CP should step down to preserve his integrity and out of respect for the position. Me Raj Penthiah points out that this is not the first time that the CP has found itself in the spotlight of current events.

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