The latest report from Statistics Mauritius reveals an increase in the number of traffic violations between 2022 and 2023. However, at the same time, decreases have also been recorded in the number of violations for speeding and non-compliance with conditions, among others.

Data that must be taken with a grain of salt, warns Alain Jeannot, president of Prévention Routière Avant Tout (PRAT). It is based on the fact that from 2020 to 2022 there were restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “In 2022, there weren't as many vehicles or people on the roads. The situation could have been worse if drug testing had not been implemented in 2023. When you calculate, there are reasons for the disproportion between 2022 and 2023. It could have been different if the drug testing campaign awareness had been more aggressive and more targeted,” he believes.

He adds that when we talk about awareness campaigns, we need a system that is visible on all platforms, not just in traditional media. “There is a lack of communication of awareness campaigns by the authorities. The last one aimed at pedestrians was last year,” he points out.

Another element that Alain Jeannot deplores: the website is not updated. “It is regrettable that it is not better exploited. I wrote a letter to the permanent secretary of the ministry on this subject, but I have not received a response,” he laments.

He remains convinced that if communication had been better done, there would have been more support. “There is work to be done in terms of awareness. All these repressive measures will be much more integrated and accepted if they are explained. It takes discipline but also explanations. It takes more sustained awareness,” he insists.

He also pleads for awareness to respond to the current profiles of the population. “Everyone has a cell phone. Let's use Mauritius Telecom to send messages. People need to be informed. You need a little reminder from time to time,” he suggests.

Another problem that deserves a more proactive campaign, according to him, is the danger of poorly managed inadvertent overtaking – on the white line, on the fast lane and on the left. He cites a study by the Mauritius Research Council which showed that 75% of accidents occur when overtaking. A threat identified for several years, he said.

What about the extension of the list of Cumulative Road Traffic Offenses and the upward revision of the amount of fines? “At first it will have a deterrent effect, but gradually the loopholes will emerge and the effect will fade. Road safety is based on law enforcement, education and infrastructure. On the one hand, it is a good thing to strengthen repression, but on the other hand, education and infrastructure still leave something to be desired. We need regular press briefings to take stock of road safety,” recommends the president of PRAT.

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