The Ministry of Transport, in collaboration with PWC India, is exploring the introduction of probationary driving license. This project aims to better control new drivers during a specific period in order to strengthen road safety. Some experts push the thinking further and plead for prolonged monitoring.

The Ministry of Transport is currently collaborating with the firm PWC India. In addition to working on the creation of a training school in Forest-Side, they are studying the idea of ​​developing the “Graduated Driving License Scheme” project, that is to say the probationary driving license.

The objective: to have better control of new license holders for a specific period before they obtain the permanent one. The authorities hope that this will also increase awareness of road safety.

While some experts welcome this initiative, believing that it is a way to reduce the number of road deaths, others, however, recommend a surveillance system extended beyond the probationary period. They also advocate for in-depth training for motorists and motorcyclists.

Road safety expert Barlen Munusami advocates for increased monitoring of new drivers after the probationary period. “There needs to be a system that can monitor them during the probationary period,” he says. He also suggests splitting motorcycle licenses into three separate categories, which he says could improve road safety and lead to more rigorous licensing.

For his part, Alain Jeannot, president of Prévention Routière Avant Tout, is convinced that the probationary license will contribute to reducing the number of deaths on our roads. “This will make young people but also more experienced road users more responsible,” he believes.


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